
Powerful Partnerships with Legacy Search

Our Clients:

  • Are viewed by their industry peers as being strong within their designated market vertical or geographic area
  • Manufacture, distribute, or install building products or are involved with the construction industry
  • Communicate responsibly and effectively to ensure a smooth project
  • Have a bond of integrity with Legacy Search

Our Process:

Our process ensures we only present candidates that are a direct fit for your organization.

One of the main reasons our clients come to us is that they have been inundated with recruiters that don’t quite understand the industry.

They submit a slew of unqualified candidates in hopes that one will stick – doesn’t seem much different from the group of candidates you would receive from a job board!

We take the time to truly understand your business and the profile you’re seeking so there’s no need to waste time reviewing candidates that aren’t a fit – you can get right into a great conversation with a great candidate.

If you’re looking for a business partner and not a resume slinger, you need to talk to the recruiters at Legacy Search.

Articles of Note:

Old School Recruiting Won’t Move the Needle
Recruiting with Half a Funnel
The Seven Deadly Sins of Recruiting
Build a Dream Team Like It’s 1992

Getting Introduced

If you’re interested in getting introduced to discuss your long-term talent strategy, or a current search you’re looking to supercharge – feel free to sign up for a time to get introduced by phone below: