
Overcoming “I’m Not Interested in Changing Jobs” While Recruiting

“I’m Not Interested in Changing Jobs”

A True Recruiting Tragedy

You find the perfect candidate and your reach out to them, the phones ringing, and they pick up, Oh, you’re excited. You’re ready. Cause you think, Hey, this is going to be a perfect person…

You explain who you are, where you’re from and what you’re calling for and they say, ” sorry, I’m not interested in changing jobs…”

What do you say? What do you do? The best way to handle this is with honesty because you want to build a network either way.

Think Long Term

You explain to them, “I’m not here to get you to change jobs. I’m just calling you to learn more about how you want to develop your career long term and see if we can help you in that process”

Hiring somebody is a symbiotic relationship anyway. So don’t go into it making them think you’re immediately trying to get them to make a move and say, ” I just want to have a conversation. I just want to learn more about you”

Value the Relationship Over the Hire

That’s all it is. Don’t put the pressure on them. Don’t take third base before you rounded the first. Develop the relationship so you can have it long term.

If you’re looking for ways to properly conduct the first interaction once you have their consent, check out our article, “Effectively Attracting Candidates

By James Aiken

President of Legacy Search, James Aiken has been dynamically involved in recruiting the elite candidates within the building materials industry for many years. With strength in sales and operations, James has built out multiple sales teams for manufacturers and distributors alike. Email him at

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