Industry News

Eco-Friendly is the Future of Construction Technology

Product Highlight: uPVC Windows and Doors

We all know how important green building is to a sustainable future. Discovering new methods of implementing sustainable technology into our existing construction practices is vital to our future on this planet.This idea of building harmoniously with nature, without sacrificing our personal comforts or the quality of the overall structure has been at the forefront of construction innovation for the past few decades.

While still in the fledgling stages, Eco-friendly options are quickly becoming more and more cost-effective and realistic as standard options for both residential and commercial construction processes. This trend is vital to humanity, as populations continue to grow and the explosion of both smart-cities and hyper urbanization puts a strain on our ever-dwindling natural resources. One of the lesser thought about, but still highly important contributors to the battle to conserve our planet’s resources are uPVC products: Eco-friendly door and window products quickly garnering attention both overseas and in America.

uPVC stands for unplasticised polyvinyl chloride, and the products are made by essentially molding molten PVC profiles into the desired shapes in place of wood and other materials. Additives are then applied to window products to achieve the desired properties (UV protection, etc). This process not only allows for flexibility in manufacturing, but also has many other benefits the natural wood windows lack, without compromising the overall look and quality of the finished product. uPVC windows and doors was started by an India-based manufacturer called Aparna Enterprises, spearheaded by CEO Mahesh Choudhary. An alarming amount (around 75%) of the wood that is cut in India is currently being used for the manufacture of windows, doors, and furniture. With this level of environmental destruction for merely a fraction of the construction process, it is easy to see why a product like this is sorely needed.

uPVC windows and doors offer a wide-array of benefits to the market. First, they are free of lead and other hazardous chemicals. In addition they are designed and tested in India’s tropical condition, and are green-building approved. The products are also incredibly energy efficient due to their natural insulation (with an energy savings average of 25-30% annually) and each product undergoes a rigorous quality check under European standard specification, EN 12608:2003. The windows are more durable than standard wood, being treated for thermal, water, wind, and UV resistance; as well as being sound and dust proof. They are naturally fire retardant, fulfilling a class 1 fire resistance rating as defined in British Standard 476, and are designed to have a long-life and be maintenance-free. In addition, uPVC products are fully renewable and recyclable: being easily renewed in the event of a renovation, or be melted and recycled into other products at the end of their life-cycle. Even the waste materials can be easily reprocessed and utilized for other products.

Green-building is the only sustainable future in construction for our ever-expanding culture. Even though sustainable window and door solutions are only a small percentage of current market trends: Growing knowledge of the vast benefits, improvements, and long-term effects these products provide for us and the environment will see them gaining popularity very rapidly in the near future.

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By James Aiken

President of Legacy Search, James Aiken has been dynamically involved in recruiting the elite candidates within the building materials industry for many years. With strength in sales and operations, James has built out multiple sales teams for manufacturers and distributors alike. Email him at

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